This site is for entertainment purposes.
Because this website provides information on businesses
and product information, this website should not be considered
endorsement, or in any other way, encouragement to buy
or use any particular business or product. Every effort
is made to ensure that the information on this site is
accurate and current, however, in no event will Real Deals Now, Inc.
be liable for any errors or misprints
or for any injury or damages arising out of any decision
made or action taken or not taken in reliance on information
contained herein.
Information and email addresses collected on this site
may be shared with our participating businesses.
We reserve the right to post names only of our contest
winners and certificate buyers at various times on this
site and use of this site shall be considered permission
to do so.
Real Deals Now, Inc.
shall not be responsible for any
certificate that becomes unusable due to that business
discontinuing operation. All certificates purchased should
be used as soon as possible after purchase. See certificate
rules for further information. |